TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language

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The Test of English as a Foreign Language, TOEFL, is a standardised test that measures your ability in forming complex ideas and expressing them well in English. It also prepares you with skills needed in an academic university setting. They measure academic skills that are actually used in the English classroom. It is ideal for non-native speakers of English who wish to enrol in English-speaking universities.

This test is accepted in over 190 countries and territories, and if you’re looking for universities in the UK, then rest assured that 100% of UK universities, including the Russell Group, accept this test.

Unlike locally-assessed tests, the TOEFL testing system ensures that your English skills are tested independently and irrespective of your accent and nationality. This avoids any biases that arise from face-to-face interviews through the employment of multiple test-raters who do not know the identities of the candidates.

Consisting of two types of tests – the TOEFL Essentials and the TOEFL iBT. The TOEFL Essentials test consists of 4 sections where the total time taken for this test is an hour and a half.

The TOEFL iBT test is conveniently offered in 3 ways: 

Traditional test at the center

TOEFL iBT Home Edition

TOEFL iBT Paper Edition

What Will I Learn?

  • Mastery of core curriculum topics
  • Unique question-specific strategies
  • Lifelong interdisciplinary skills
  • Exam techniques practised through extensive question practice and personalised feedback

Topics for this course

2 Lessons

The TOEFL Essentials test consists of 4 sections

Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking & A 5-minute unscored Personal Video Statement

The iBT Test has 4 sections

Target Audience

  • Students from various fields applying for their graduate, post-graduate and doctorate programs in the USA, UK, Australia, or Canada.

Ready to start your lifelong journey with us?

We guarantee an improvement in grades, with most students improving by an average of 2 bands.

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