With your LangLit exam just a few weeks away, now is the perfect time to master key techniques. We at Young Scholarz are conducting Mock Exam Practice sessions, so you can learn proven techniques that you have not been taught. Get exam strategies for the IB LangLit Papers, so that you are thorough with each question type.
How will this benefit you?
- You will learn time management and breakdown for each question type.
- Unique question-specific strategies for all types of texts
- Techniques and strategies to construct concise and well-written essays in the given time
- Have all of your In-class tests marked with detailed, personalized feedback, so you can improve with each test.
Ideal For
- Grade 11/12 students looking to practice the IB LangLit papers before the start of the exams.
Event Date
13/11/2022 -
Start Time in SGT
9:00am -
End Time in SGT
11:00am -
Online -