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No matter how straightforward this section may seem, unseen poetry requires more preparation than the set texts simply because you don’t know which poem you will have to analyze. Attend this workshop so you can master the skills required to read, understand, analyze, and write crisp essay-type answers for this section of the paper.

This is part 1 of a series of workshops for Unseen Poetry.

How will this benefit you?

      • Learn how to identify important points of a poem
      • Analyze the poem in terms of device, meter, and tools to support your answer
      • Organize ideas and opinions in a logical sequence
      • Learn unique question-specific strategies
      • Practice exam questions and be given thorough feedback
      • Achieve excellent grades!

Ideal For

Students between grades 8-10 who wish to practice and seek guidance for Unseen Poetry.

  • Event Date
  • Start Time in SGT
  • End Time in SGT
  • Location
  • Email

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