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García Lorca’s “tragic poem,” tells the story of a childless woman in rural Spain who is the drama’s title character. Her desperate desire for motherhood becomes an obsession and denial of her childlessness, driving her towards an increasingly irrational behavior, ultimately leading to a horrific crime.

Join this workshop to study the wide range of themes explored in this play, ranging from isolation, passion, and frustration to the underlying themes of nature, marriage, jealousy, and friendship. Learn to study and analyze the play, with an in-depth understanding of the characters, techniques, and tools used by the author to achieve its purpose.

How will this benefit you?

      • Learn how to identify important points of a poem
      • Analyze the poem in terms of device, meter, and tools to support your answer
      • Organize ideas and opinions in a logical sequence
      • Learn unique question-specific strategies
      • Practice exam questions and be given thorough feedback
      • Achieve excellent grades!

Ideal For

  • .Students between grades 8-10 who wish to practise and seek guidance for English Literature.

  • Event Date
  • Start Time in SGT
  • End Time in SGT
  • Location
  • Email
  • Cost/ Hour

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