Young Scholarz is excited to announce its latest partnership with Lumiere Education. Lumiere is an organization founded by Harvard and Oxford PhDs with the aim to provide high-school students around the world the access to research opportunities with top global scholars. Through the “Lumiere Research Scholar Program”, students work 1:1 with PhD mentors from the world’s top universities on their independent research projects. For 12 weeks, students work with their mentor to explore the cutting edge in their field. Then, they build a research paper that they develop from start to finish, with their mentor providing guidance and feedback.
Rushma is a senior at the American Embassy School, New Delhi and was a part of the fall 2020 cohort. Her paper was a review titled “CRISPR/Cas9 Treatment of Genetic Diseases.” Here’s what Rushma had to say, “Working with a mentor was extremely essential, especially for this research project since this was the first time I had ever written a focused research paper. The process started with establishing a general area of interest and after a brainstorming session with my mentor, I was able to land on CRISPR and sickle cell anemia. My mentor had been there to guide me through the research proposal, collection of ideas, writing the paper, and editing. At the end of the program, I progressed to the publication program. I have been working with my mentor to make final edits to my paper and submit it to a high school journal. This process has allowed me to catch a glimpse of the entire research process from start to finish. Moreover, doing this research has helped me narrow down the interests that I will pursue in college, including hematology and genetics.”

Undoubtedly, conducting a research paper in high-school will give you a huge leg up and be a distinguishing factor in your admissions process. It showcases passion and helps provide proof of depth of your abilities. It also gives you a chance to explore your academic interests more deeply. We would strongly encourage our parents and students to consider this value-add program. Contact us for further details!