A good educational experience plays a pivotal role in a modern human being’s life. Examinations always come with a certain level of pressure. In many cases, this becomes a source of inspiration for people. However, we must keep in mind that this pressure can also lead to significant stress in students. As exam season is on the horizon, it is normal to feel a little jittery or frazzled. However, staying in a state of stress and not making an effort to resolve it will only make situations worse. One must work on indulging in practices and daily habits that will aid in staying calm, focused, and grounded. That’s the right state of mind to ace the final exams. Listed under are some methods you can use to manage exam stress.

Don’t take a full night’s sleep lightly. 

"Image promoting the importance of prioritizing sleep during exams. A well-rested student enjoys enhanced focus, cognitive function, and overall well-being, crucial for optimal exam performance."

It is okay to have a messed up sleep schedule when you are a teenager, but what we are unaware of is that can cause many long-term problems. An eight-hour sleep is something you should not compromise on. The human body has a natural clock system in place called the Circadian Rhythm. This is a phenomenon where we are naturally in tune with the rising and setting of the sun and our energy levels stay accordingly. Even when exhausted, many youngsters struggle to fall asleep at night. Stress and your mobile phones are the culprits here. If you are in the habit of using your phone at night in your bed, stop it. Screens emit blue light which confuses our brain into thinking that it is morning time and we feel energized, unable to fall asleep. Cut out screen time at least two hours before going to bed. Instead, read a book or do a calming activity like some stretches to get the perfect sleep.

Taking breaks is good!

Sometimes we are so concerned about the upcoming exam that we go into an overworking mode and sit to study for hours. However, due to mental exhaustion, our brain doesn’t process any information that we consume and we end up forgetting it. To break this loop, remember to take mini breaks while studying for long hours. You can explore a method called the Pomodoro technique. Here, you study a concept for 25 minutes, take a 5-minute break, and repeat this process until you finish the subject. The mini breaks are an efficient way to help you de-stress. But avoid using social media during your Pomodoro break time. Try to do other calming activities such as taking a short walk around your room, listening to some music, getting up to fetch some water or lemonade, and other such things.

"Image illustrating the importance of taking breaks to alleviate exam stress. A student stepping away, engaging in relaxation activities, fostering mental well-being for improved focus and performance."

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”

Sydney J Harris

Nutrition affects everything. 

The saying, “You are what you eat” is indeed true. When we are bloated with junk food, our brain functions slowly and we may even feel sleepy. This leads to a downward spiral of not being able to study and stressing about it later.  When our diets are filled with junk food which includes only carbs and sugar, we are inviting doom. Instead focus on a balanced meal that involves fruits, dry fruits, vegetables, and pulses. Such foods give us stable levels of energy throughout the day which is essential for a successful study session. Apart from that avoid sugary and caffeine-loaded drinks at all costs. 

"Image illustrating the importance of taking breaks to alleviate exam stress. A student stepping away, engaging in relaxation activities, fostering mental well-being for improved focus and performance."

Join or make a peer study group.

In moments of stress, it can be difficult to realize the fact that we are not alone. Many of our classmates might be going through the same levels of stress that are exerted by examinations. A great way to overcome this is to communicate freely with our peers and this will help us release some of the pressure. You can arrange group study sessions and give each other company while studying. However, all distractions should be avoided in group study sessions and a predetermined task must be completed by the end of it. Parent supervision is also necessary to keep you grounded in your studies and from being distracted. 

"Image illustrating the importance of taking breaks to alleviate exam stress. A student stepping away, engaging in relaxation activities, fostering mental well-being for improved focus and performance."

Ask questions and clear your doubts. 

Some topics and subject matter can be complicated and confusing. But with correct guidance and support it can be easily understood. Continued lack of clarity in a subject leads to brain fog and stress. This should be resolved by trying to get a clearer idea of the topic we are focussing on. Don’t back away from seeking academic help where you feel the need to. Joining the Young Scholarz exam prep class which is exclusively curated to help you through the exams is an excellent option.

Furthermore, the most vital thing to do is to believe in yourself. When being constantly faced with new challenges, we often forget to look back at how far we have come and how much we have already achieved. Given that you have prepared well, there should be no reason for you to worry. Therefore, when experiencing a negative thought, try to replace it with a positive one. For example, instead of thinking ‘If I don’t get at least 95 marks, I am a failure’, think ‘Whatever I get, I will be proud of myself and value how much I have already achieved’. You can do this!

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”

Hans Selye
"Image illustrating the importance of taking breaks to alleviate exam stress. A student stepping away, engaging in relaxation activities, fostering mental well-being for improved focus and performance."