education system

UNESCO has proclaimed the 24th of January as the International Day of Education to highlight the importance of education and awareness among the young minds of the world. Education is the answer to many misfortunes of society that include but are not limited to gender inequality, blind faith, and cultural malpractices that affect a certain class or gender in society. This day is a reminder of the blessing – to attain education. If you’re reading this then you’re one of the privileged who are lucky enough to read on a screen!

Having said that, education isn’t a one-dimensional term and varies not just from country to country, but also from city to city. Depending on the economy, politics, and even demographics of the state or region, every place has a different approach to teaching and a unique education system. And, it’s constantly evolving and developing as we progress toward the future.

As Singapore has been politically stable throughout these years, it has been able to implement and evolve a stable and well-functioning education system for the benefit of the young generation.

Changes in Singapore’s Education System

education system

Change is the only constant – we’ve all heard of this famously infamous phrase. As a world, as a new generation, there are constant changes that take place every day. And, to keep up with these changes, the education system too has to adhere to newer thoughts and requirements. The 24th of January is International Day of Education, and hence we’ve taken this as an opportunity to reflect on the recent changes in Singapore’s Education System.


This is one aspect that affects most countries on a global scale. Gone are the days of a chalkboard, chalk, and a duster. The mere thought of these brings back fond memories to millennials and Gen X, but for many years now, Singapore has shifted towards e-learning, incorporating digital resources and allowing students to interact with and share their assignments on a common platform.

Post the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore was at the forefront when it came to embracing online modes of learning and resorted to apps like Zoom and Google Meets to continue with regular classes at school.

At Young Scholarz, we too willingly moved toward online classes, and we still continue to do so. Be it a 1:1 session or a group class, we have adopted a hybrid learning model that caters to offline students as well as online. We’re constantly adapting to the changing needs of our students, contributing to the importance of education.

Teaching Methods

education system

There was a time when classes were limited to theory, rote learning, and thorough exam preparation one after another. Singapore has taken a step ahead in changing its education system. They’ve shifted their focus from textbooks to a more comprehensive and interactive learning environment. Students aren’t restricted only to classrooms anymore.

Many schools have shifted to nurturing learners with a self-directed and digital approach, encouraging the joy of learning by creating personalized experiences for the students. Young Scholarz, too, has a similar approach to teaching, and our vision moves towards lifelong learning for all our students.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has scrapped mid-year examinations for primary and secondary schools, hence expanding the academic year with 3 more weeks, which they would earlier lend to examinations. This gives teachers more time to spread out their teachings and include fun learning activities in between as well.

Newer Fields of Study

education system

With the advent of AI and Robotics, comes the birth of new job profiles and positions, simultaneously ceasing previous traditional roles. To meet the newer demands, schools are now adapting by adding new subjects that adhere to these roles.

Robotics and AI, STEM Education, and Coding – are now essential subjects that schools encourage students to learn as the subsequent demand for jobs has increased in these fields.

Both local and international schools have introduced newer fields of study, and if you take a look at changes made in IB Physics last year, or the Digital SAT and GMAT Focus, you’ll see how quickly and rapidly the education system is changing. In hindsight, you can see how Singapore’s education system is also changing to meet these international standards.

To Conclude,

It may be cumbersome at first for parents, teachers, and even students, to move along with the wheels of time and adapt effectively with the dynamism of the system. But this is only cyclical in nature and we must continue to grow and progress, walking arm-in-arm with our young and vibrant little souls.