The past few years have been quite a whirlwind for many people on the health spectrum. Losing a family member to a deadly pandemic, or being laid off from work due to the resulting poor economy – we live in a slightly different world now. It’s been but a few months since the pandemic officially came to an end, but many aspects have faced a lifelong change. Let’s take the education sector for example. Had you imagined at the beginning of 2020 that you’d be attending school from the comforts of your home? In this blog post, we will explore why one must choose Young Scholarz’ Unique Teaching Model so if you’re a pre-IGCSE, IGCSE, Edexcel, IB, or A-Level student, or you need help with your University application, you’ve come to the right place.

As humans, we’ve been taught to make lemonade, or a lemon pie, out of lemons. In this case, the pandemic pushed us into our homes and taught us different ways to keep the show on. Hence began this unique system of hybrid learning and hybrid work models as well.

Although Young Scholarz began a couple of decades ago, it was the pandemic that kickstarted our online presence. We adapted to new learning styles using virtual apps and retained in-person classes for English students in Singapore post the pandemic. Apart from a hybrid model with offline and online students, we provide a teaching system that involves both group and solo sessions.

What Do We Mean By A Hybrid Model?

You might have heard of hybrid learning models that combine both offline and online modes of teaching. Young Scholarz’ unique teaching model does not just include offline and online mediums, but also group and solo sessions. We’ve customised our classes for your convenience.

We all agree that each student has a different learning need and not all benefit from the same teaching approach. Where some students need personal attention to solve their doubts, others thrive socially and feel motivated in a group. Introverted students may tend to hold back their doubts or answers in a classroom, leading to neglect and lack of focus. Seeking attention outside through assisted tutoring may not be helpful for some as many institutions admit large cohorts. This is where Young Scholarz steps in – our group class sizes aren’t too big, letting students feel connected and engaging enough to cater to different learning strengths.

In group classes you’ll learn core modules, coupled with solo classes which are used for consolidation of learning, reviewing mock results, specific student doubts, or academic counselling.

Benefits of Learning With Us

In a nutshell, here are the benefits of a Young Scholarz’ unique teaching model:

  • Allows for a more flexible approach while attending the classes
  • Improved grades through student-teacher bonding which helps in problem-solving situations
  • Comprehensive and nuanced feedback that targets areas for improvement

1. Flexible Access to Classes

Young Scholarz' Teaching Model

Are you on vacation but still don’t want to miss out on a crucial topic taught in our classes? Or you don’t reside in the same country but still want to partake in our top-notch teaching to improve your grades. You might have missed the in-person class by a few minutes but don’t want to miss out on the complete class! This is where we show our flexibility, as you can attend the session from anywhere in the world, at one touch!

Apart from this, juggling between school, assignments, extra-curriculars, and prepping for exams teaches all students the role of time management. Between these tight schedules, it can be tricky for you to attend extra classes that coach you for the exams within your choice of time. Young Scholarz has carefully curated classes that are convenient for students to attend, with batches between August-December and Jan-May. We offer online classes for students who can’t physically attend, hence providing flexibility.

Our English group class schedules are set for the current academic year till December. So, if you’ve missed a session, you can watch the previous recordings of the classes that you signed up for. You can also participate in the next round between Jan and March.

Rest assured, students who come to us a few months before the exams see a significant improvement in grades. But, we always recommend getting into the grind from the get-go.

You can register here if you haven’t already.

2. Improved Grades with Student-Teacher Rapport

Young Scholarz' Teaching Model

We’re not exaggerating about our students with grades 3 and 4 pass the IGCSEs with grades 6 and 7! You can check out our testimonials to read up about our students’ achievements. Apart from our hybrid models, the detailed feedback and a safe learning space for our students takes the trophy home. This says a lot about our student-centric teaching, where we focus on each student’s progress.

Despite being a globally-recognized online platform, one may still have doubts about our unique teaching model. Hence, we provide the first session at a lowered fee to reassure the child that they’re in good hands. This is also a great opportunity for parents to pop into the first few minutes of our 1:1 introductory class to discuss their child’s specific learning needs and concerns.

Once we’ve established a safe space for the tutee, it’s much easier to go ahead from this point on. The student’s comfort level with the teacher determines a better learning curve and a much more interactive atmosphere. This in turn leads to improved grades and overall performance. Although you may prefer solo sessions, rest assured that even our group sessions are always welcoming and certainly more interactive.

The power of trust between the teacher and student is paramount in education and should not be overlooked. So, always go with your instincts when you sign up for any online platform.

3. Detailed Feedback System

Young Scholarz' Teaching Model

As mentioned before, Young Scholarz’ Unique Teaching Model includes a detailed feedback system, helping students improve their grades, with a targeted approach to weaknesses and strengths. We give students homework after every session, and expect them to complete it before their next session with us. The work of a team, we expect students to complete their work on time, and the teacher identifies strengths and flaws to improve.

We’ve carefully designed student feedback forms, where every student has their individual feedback form. This helps them record their progress with subsequent submissions. This extends to students who don’t wish to sign up for classes, but instead come to us for paper marking.

While others focus on larger groups, affecting individual attention to each student, we focus on smaller groups of a maximum of 25 students. Our team carefully checks each student’s answer, giving the attention that they deserve. We give equal, detailed attention to all students, improving their grades an overall well-being.

The Takeaway

The pandemic has taught all of us – students and working professionals – that there’s no limitation to learning and adapting. When the going got tough, the tough got going. Hence, when schools had to shut down for months on end, online learning created its own space.

Attending classes online has reduced the number of leaves and absentees, and you are more at ease to plan a short trip with your family and friends without having to miss out on a class back home. Our solo sessions help you get all your doubts cleared without hesitation. And, our detailed feedback system is another top feature that we use to target those pain points, improving academic performance.

This is our unique teaching system, and we’re so very proud of building something that helps our students not just in academics but beyond.

As the academic year has already begun, we’re already swamped with sign-ups and registrations. You can still check out our schedules for group classes for IGCSE, and IB, and register for solo sessions for University Preparation as well.