How to Manage Exam Stress

A good educational experience plays a pivotal role in a modern human being’s life. Examinations always come with a certain level of pressure. In many cases, this becomes a source of inspiration for people. However, we must keep in mind that this pressure can also […]

Tips to score in IGCSE

It’s just the first day of school and you’ve already been bombarded with homework and assignments. It’s only a short space of time before you’ll have the exam timetable in your hands and once that happens, you will want the IGCSE’s to end as soon […]

5 ways to Ace the IB

So you’ve just begun your first year in an IB Diploma Programme, or you’re still preparing to get into one. Either way, we know there is a mix of emotions that you’re engulfed in – the end of the relaxing vacations coupled with the excitement […]