An internship is not just work experience but an arena that propels you toward your career goals.With a range of companies out there, the options are endless, and experiences may or may not help you achieve a learning curve. Then how does Ladder Internships come into the picture?
We’ve partnered with Ladder Internships for over a year and can vouch for their unique platform that helps students make real-world changes in the field of their choices. With the very best of globally-recognised companies like Billion Dollar Startup Ideas and Fintech Launch, you get to work with reputed mentors and generate real projects that can go ahead and matter to the world.
It could be a market report, an app, or a strategy, but you get the opportunity to present work that makes a difference. Be it tech, finance, or mental health, there’s a range of fields where you can work with Ladder Internships. Students who come here have the opportunity to gain work experience which they wouldn’t normally get until after college, making it a great fit for those applying to top-tier colleges in the world.
Applying as an intern with Ladder Internships not only gets you in to the work field, but it also enhances your application for college! The students who apply to Ivy League schools and have mentioned their Lumiere projects on their forms, used them in their main essay, or with recommendation letters from their mentors, have a 115% higher chance of acceptance in comparison to the general rate of acceptance at these universities!
Program Dates and Details
With multiple cohorts during the fall, winter, spring, and summer, you can apply at your convenience and availability. With options between programs offered, you can opt for one that suits your personal goals and needs. We’re looking for students who are hardworking, ambitious, and excited in their fields of choice. So, if you are one of them, look no further.
The application deadline for the next cohort, i.e. Fall, is the 24th November, giving you time to think and assess your options for an internship. For more details, visit their website and browse through their brochure.